Free Shipping over $80.00 ~ Ready to ship Sheer romantic Mesh and bamboo collections 10% off through January 15th!

The first Sandmaiden Etsy shop was started way back in 2007 when I was newly married, in the middle of an international move from Vancouver to Seattle, pregnant with my second daughter and had cut 10 inches off my hair.  Something was in the stars for me that year and Sandmaiden was a success that allowed me to stay home with my kids, create and sew for the next 6 years.

We moved to Bellingham, WA, USA in 2013 and opened up our first bricks and mortar store selling only our handmade sleepwear and lingerie.  

Our second Etsy shop is still by far our main focus but we can be found in the flesh most business days between 11 and 5 at our production house and *limited* retail store on Bay and Holly st in downtown Bellingham.  

Sandmaiden Apparel is still 100% made by hand (meaning not on a line) at our workshop in Bellingham WA, USA.

Much of the textiles we offer are made in house by our knitting machine in Fine Merino Wool or Silk yarns.  We specialize in cut and sew knits designed to be worn mainly at home but branch out here and there in Swimwear, Wool Jackets and general get around town wear.  

I've been passionate about color and natural fibers since before I could talk for reasons that are an internal reflection of a longing to be in harmony with nature.  This isn't to say we don't use modern functional materials, I try to make those decisions from a place of joy and inspiration trusting in my innate sense of beauty as a light towards health and wholeness for all.  

Sandmaiden has always been about coming home to oneself.  Wherever home may be for you I endeavor to offer dressing for the place you need no armor.

Sincerely, Amanda